The Accountant Professional Education Study Program FEB Diponegoro University accepts new students for the even semester of 2020/2021 Wave II which will begin its opening in mid 7 April -1 July 2021. Complete information can be seen on the page /

The advantage of lectures at the Undip FEB Accountant Professional Education is that it has been designed according to the competencies needed to become an accountant. The curriculum and syllabus have also been adjusted to prepare for the CA, CPA, and CPMA certification exams so that FEB Undip Accounting Professional Education students can better prepare for the CA, CPA, and CPMA certification exams.

Accountant Professional Education Universitas Diponegoro has received recognition from IAPI, namely the Recognition of Prior Learning Statement in accordance with the letter from IAPI number 006/VIII/DS/RPL/PPAK/2017 dated August 1, 2017. With this recognition, PPA FEB Undip graduates get a waiver, namely only need to take 1 (one) exam for the CPA professional level from the supposed 10 (ten) exams.

Thus, to get a CPA degree, PPAK FEB Undip graduates only need to take one exam, namely auditing, assurance and ethics. Several alumni of the Undip FEB Accountant Professional Education have succeeded in obtaining the CPA title.

Read more about Professional Accountant Education at the following link >> Background, Objectives, Advantages, Lecture Methods, Facilities, and Curriculum