
Accountant Professional Education (PPAk) in Indonesia entered a new era with the enactment of the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 179 / U / 2001. Accountants can only be held by a person through Professional Accounting Education (PPAk), which was previously automatically obtained from graduates of the Accounting Study Program. The Faculty of Economics and Business at State Universities or Private Universities is accredited through the National Accounting Examination (UNA). PPAk is an advanced education for the Bachelor of Economics in Accounting in order to create competent graduates in the accounting field. PPAk of ​​the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University was established on May 7, 2003 based on DIKTI Decree number 945 / D / T / 2003 and IAI Recommendation number 193 / KERPPA / IAI / I / 03 dated January 27, 2003.

PPAk FEB Undip has received good recognition for its educational process as shown by the results of accreditation from the National Accreditation Board (Badan Akreditasi Nasional/BAN) of the Ministry of Education and Culture which is Accredited A until June 2025.