Accountant Professional Education (Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan/PPAk) FEB Undip has obtained accreditation results from the National Accreditation Board  of Higher Education, which is Accredited A based on the results of reaccreditation on June 28, 2020, valid until June 28, 2025. This accreditation shows that PPAk FEB Undip is a study program with superior status to be able to become a prospective study place -prospective professional accountant.

PPAk FEB Undip has also collaborated with the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI) so that it has received recognition from IAPI, namely the Recognition of Prior Learning Statement in accordance with the letter from IAPI number 006/VIII/DS/RPL/PPAK/2017 dated August 1, 2017. Therefore, PPAk FEB Undip graduates who have an undergraduate accounting background and pass verification from IAPI are entitled to a waiver, which only needs to take 1 (one) exam for the CPA professional level from the supposed 10 (ten) exams. This is because PPAk FEB Undip received a Grade A assessment from IAPI. The statement of Recognition of Prior Learning from IAPI has been extended by IAPI with the number 016/VII/DS/RPL/PPAK/2020 dated July 23, 2020 which is valid until July 23, 2023.

In order to facilitate the accountant certification exam, PPAk FEB has collaborated with the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) so that it has received recognition as an official partner in organizing the computer-based written examination certification organized by IAI. In this case, the PPAk FEB Undip also has an IAI Computer-based Exam (CBE) Center based on certificate number 019/CBE-IAI/I/2022 which can be used for various accountant certification exams from IAI including CA, CAFB, CPSAK certifications, Sharia Accounting Certification, Government Accounting Certification and so on.